Dampit Humidifier

Why humidify?
Your instrument is made of aged wood, and wood is susceptible to temperature and humidity changes. If the temperature gets too cold and the air too dry, the wood of your instrument releases moisture and shrinks. A sunny window or radiator can cause cracks (very bad!) or loosen seams (quite bad!). If your skin feels dry and scratchy, most likely your instrument is suffering too!

Whether your instrument is worth $150 or $1500, keeping it in peak playing condition is important. In an environment of about 21ºC with about 45-55% relative humidity, your instrument will stay in great condition for generations to come. Store it in the coolest part of the room, away from radiators and heat ducts. And, play it safe and invest in an instrument humidifier. They have saved the life of many instruments suffering through a long, cold winter with dry central heating.

Dampit -- the most popular humidifier used by professional musicians. Here's how to use it:

  • Dampit is a flexible tube-type humidifier. Immerse the tube in water about 20 seconds.
  • Pinch the ends to remove excess water and be sure to wipe the tube dry. Moisture dripping down the inside of your instrument can cause damage.
  • Suspend the tube inside the instrument body through the f-hole. This enables moisture in the tube to humidify the instrument body, the neck and the instrument case.

Dampit comes with its own humidity indicator. It's available for violin, viola and cello.

Dampit violin humidifier