Your Setup

The main cymbals in a basic drum kit

The main cymbals of any drum kit are one ride cymbal, a pair of hi-hat cymbals and one crash cymbal. When you're starting out, the basics can be mastered on the hi-hats and one other cymbal. Many entry-level drum kits and "starter" cymbal packs come with the hi-hats and a crash cymbal, or the hi-hats and a multi-purpose crash/ride cymbal which allows both basic crash and ride playing.

Once you get your skills together, you can add more cymbals to personalize your sound. The most popular add-ons are a splash cymbal for effect, a China cymbal for punchy accents, or a second crash (bigger or smaller, lighter or heavier). Some pro drummers have 10 or more cymbals in their setup!

learn about the Ride