Imagine children dancing
around with these delightfully jingly bells. And they are contagious. Jingle one
and someone is bound to join you! Bells
will capture a child's imagination in movement,
listening, and playing. The wrist bells have a velcro
closure for a secure fit and easy manipulation
for little fingers.
Ages 3+
The beautiful-sounding Wow Earth
Bell chime is tuned to D flat, said to be
the "tone of the Earth." Children will play to see how "long" a
sound they can make. It comes with a rubber mallet and a child can
easily vary the sound by covering and uncovering the sound hole
with his/her thumb. Size: 6 inches x 1 1/8 inches |
Recreate ethnic Brazilian
sound with a triangle! It features an easy-to-grip handle. The bright "ding" delights all,
so your child might just find Mom and Dad
wanting to play this, too!
Ages 2+
Made of steel, the E-Z Grip bell has a pure bite, but not too harsh. Children can vary
the sound by placing their entire hand or
individual fingers on the surface while
striking. The 7.5-inch
bell features a wooden handle and beater. Ages 3+.
These plastic-shell half-moon tambourines have a narrow
handle with a hand grip, making them perfect for children
(and adults too!). Teach kids
to keep the beat by tapping on the heel of their
hand or on their knee.
Other shapes: stars and circlesAges 3+ |